GATE (Graduate Aptitude Test in Engineering) NOTIFICATION - 2013

>> Wednesday, 10 October 2012

GATE (Graduate Aptitude Test in Engineering) test 2013 Notification with detailed exam schedule is ready now.
2013, GATE will be organised by IIT Bombay.

Graduate Aptitude Test in Engineering test, which paves the way to join in Post-Graduate courses in Engineering like M.E., M.Tech or PhD in National level institute is very crucial for engineering graduates.

GATE 2013 Online Registration has begun on 1st September. As of now, GATE authorities have posted tentative calendar of events for 2013 GATE exam. Here we are providing appropriate links to help the students interested to know about GATE, its syllabus, exam pattern, important dates, and online registration of GATE 2013 Application etc.

Interestingly,  this website  is a explanatory to the students and they don’t have to run around pillar to the post to understand about the GATE 2013. the website contains the Post Exam, Exam and
Pre-Exam events, its relevance and how to proceed on each will be well explained. You may find the
resource links to know, understand and apply the GATE 2013 by following the below given links.

GATE 2013 Online Exam Date: 20th January 2013. 

GATE 2013 Offline Exam Date: 10th February 2013

Gate 2013 Main Website:


Commencement of Online Application submission - Saturday 1 Sept 2012

Last date for:
a) Submission of Online Application Form (website closure) - Sunday 30 Sept 2012
b) Receipt of printed version of ONLINEApplication at respective GATE Offices  Monday 8 Oct 2012
Announcement of results will be on Friday 15 March

What's New in GATE 2013

1. 15 subject papers will be conducted by an ONLINE computer based test: AE, AG, AR, BT, CE, CH, CY, GG, MA, MN, MT, PH, TF, XE, and XL.

2. Female candidates are exempted from paying the application fee.

3. All candidate related information and grievance redressal will be available in a single GATE Online Applicant Interface.

4. Soft copies of photograph and signature must be uploaded during online application (This is in addition to sending recent photograph of applicant with signed application).

5. A new formula will be used for calculating the GATE score.

6. Biometric information (Photograph and fingerprint) maybe captured on the day of the examination for randomly selected candidates.


Availability of admit card on Online Application Interface Wednesday 5 December, 2012

GATE 2013 Online Examination for Papers: AR, CE, GG, MA, MT, PH and TF* Sunday 20 January 2013 (09:00 Hrs to 12:00 Hrs)

GATE 2013 Online Examination Papers: AE, AG, BT, CH, CY, MN, XE and XL* Sunday 20 January 2013 (14:00 Hrs to 17:00 Hrs)

GATE 2013 Offline Examination Papers: CS, ME and PI* Sunday 10 February 2013 (09:00 Hrs to 12:00 Hrs)

GATE 2013 Offline Examination Papers: EC, EE and IN* Sunday 10 February 2013 (14:00 Hrs to 17:00 Hrs)

Announcement of results on Online Applicant Interface Friday 15 March 2013 (10:00 Hrs)

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