Kerala Public Service Commission Recruiting for 206 Various Vacancies - 2012
>> Tuesday, 20 November 2012
Kerala PSC (Public Service Commission) has given the notification for the Recruitment of vacancies of 206 posts under different categories. Candidates who are interested can apply through online method before 19th December 2012. If the candidate want to know some more details about required educational qualification, details about age limitation, how to apply and process of selection then they are mentioned below…
Recruitment for: Kerala PSC (Public Service Commission)
Vacant posts: 206 under different categories.
Details about Limitation for age: The applicants age should not be less than 19 years of age and should not exceed 44 years of age for the category of Junior Instructor. And more than 18 years and less than 36 years of age for Tinker, Assistant Town Planner posts.For more categories just click on the link given below and know the details.
Click Here to know the details for Age limitation:
Names of Posts:
Junior Instructor: 159 posts
Tinker: 01 post
Agricultural Assistant Gr. II: 01 post
Town and Country Planning: 01 post
Technical Officer: 01 post
Driver Gr II: 01 post
Veterinary Surgeon: 01 post
Confidential Assistant Gr. II: 01 post
Senior Lecturer in Periodontics: 01 post
Lecturer in Statistics: 02 posts
Attender (Plate Graning): 02 posts
Attender (Plate Cleaning): 02 posts
Sr Superintendent/Inspector/Development officer/Accounts officer: 02 posts
Offset Printing Machine Operator Gr. II: 04 posts
Stenographer Gr.II/Steno-Typist Gr.II: 05 posts
High School Assistant (Social Studies) Malayalam Medium: 06 posts
Clerk / Cashier: 16 posts
Qualification Details:
For Junior Instructor post the applicant must have passed in S.S.L.C or its equivalent qualification, and should posses the National Trade Certificate in the concerned trade with three years experience in the trade after obtaining the certificate or National Apprenticeship Certificate in the concerned trade with one year experience after obtaining the certificate or Diploma in the concerned branch of Engineering from a Government or Government Recognized polytechnic or its equivalent qualification. For Tinker post the applicant should posses a ITI Trade Certificate in the Trade, Sheet Metal Works, Degree in Dairy Science/ Technology from a recognized University, 3 (Three) years experience in Dairy Processing in a reputed Dairy plant for Technical Officer post and for remaining posts candidate can click on the below mentioned link
To Know more details about qualification, Click Here:
Process of Applying: Interested and eligible Candidates can apply only through online method for all the above mentioned posts. Initially the candidate has to log in to the site by clicking on the link given below for application.Then click on the Apply Online link from the vacant post list. for new users- just click on the New Registration link, then fill in all the required details and send it with your id card, scanned photograph and attested signature.Then the applicants will be provided with a Registration Card After the submission of applications. the applicant have to retain the card carefully and present it when he will be called up for the interview.The application should be done on or before 19th December 2012.
Click Here for Application Form:
Process of Selection: Selected of Candidates will be done on the basis of Direct Recruitment.
Recruitment for: Kerala PSC (Public Service Commission)
Vacant posts: 206 under different categories.
Details about Limitation for age: The applicants age should not be less than 19 years of age and should not exceed 44 years of age for the category of Junior Instructor. And more than 18 years and less than 36 years of age for Tinker, Assistant Town Planner posts.For more categories just click on the link given below and know the details.
Click Here to know the details for Age limitation:
Names of Posts:
Junior Instructor: 159 posts
Tinker: 01 post
Agricultural Assistant Gr. II: 01 post
Town and Country Planning: 01 post
Technical Officer: 01 post
Driver Gr II: 01 post
Veterinary Surgeon: 01 post
Confidential Assistant Gr. II: 01 post
Senior Lecturer in Periodontics: 01 post
Lecturer in Statistics: 02 posts
Attender (Plate Graning): 02 posts
Attender (Plate Cleaning): 02 posts
Sr Superintendent/Inspector/Development officer/Accounts officer: 02 posts
Offset Printing Machine Operator Gr. II: 04 posts
Stenographer Gr.II/Steno-Typist Gr.II: 05 posts
High School Assistant (Social Studies) Malayalam Medium: 06 posts
Clerk / Cashier: 16 posts
Qualification Details:
For Junior Instructor post the applicant must have passed in S.S.L.C or its equivalent qualification, and should posses the National Trade Certificate in the concerned trade with three years experience in the trade after obtaining the certificate or National Apprenticeship Certificate in the concerned trade with one year experience after obtaining the certificate or Diploma in the concerned branch of Engineering from a Government or Government Recognized polytechnic or its equivalent qualification. For Tinker post the applicant should posses a ITI Trade Certificate in the Trade, Sheet Metal Works, Degree in Dairy Science/ Technology from a recognized University, 3 (Three) years experience in Dairy Processing in a reputed Dairy plant for Technical Officer post and for remaining posts candidate can click on the below mentioned link
To Know more details about qualification, Click Here:
Process of Applying: Interested and eligible Candidates can apply only through online method for all the above mentioned posts. Initially the candidate has to log in to the site by clicking on the link given below for application.Then click on the Apply Online link from the vacant post list. for new users- just click on the New Registration link, then fill in all the required details and send it with your id card, scanned photograph and attested signature.Then the applicants will be provided with a Registration Card After the submission of applications. the applicant have to retain the card carefully and present it when he will be called up for the interview.The application should be done on or before 19th December 2012.
Click Here for Application Form:
Process of Selection: Selected of Candidates will be done on the basis of Direct Recruitment.
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