How to Apply GATE 2013 Exam
>> Friday, 12 October 2012
Procedure to Apply for GATE 2013 Exam:
One of the ultimate significant feature of the Graduate Aptitude Test in Engineering is the ‘how to apply GATE Exam 2013’. The date of the Graduate Aptitude Test in Engineering (GATE) for the year 2013 was announced in the second week of August 2012. The GATE is announced to be held in the month of January / February 2013.
Data which is needed to be filled:
A) Personal information
B) Communication Address (Important: PIN Code)
C) Eligibility Degree Details (College address, PIN Code of College)
D) GATE paper, Choice of GATE examination cities
E) High quality image of your photograph conforming to these requirements
F) Good quality image of your signature (in .jpeg format) conforming to requirements
G) Optional: PDF/JPEG files of supporting documents (Eligibility & Category Certificates) (max file size: per file 0.5 MB; see more details below in section ‘supporting documents’)
H) Optional: Your Netbanking login and password to make the application fee payment (only for Male applicants).
Supporting Documents Required before applying for GATE 2013:
Supporting documents like, photocopies are supposed to be attached. This year, 2013 applicants have an option to upload supporting documents online. However, please make sure that the max file size permitted per file is 0.5 MB.
Eligibility Documents -
a. SC/ST/PD Certificate, Only male applicants who claim to be in any of the category SC/ST/PD have to produce valid documentary evidence, to qualify for the reduced fee.
b. Male applicants who require a scribe to assist writing the exam, also need to provide a valid PD certificate.
c. Female applicants need not provide any SC/ST certificate, as the fee is exempted. However, if any female applicant requests a scribe to assist writing the exam, a PD certificate has to be provided.
It is imperative for students to know that all candidates need to apply on-line and the application fee is non-refundable. The student must first register themselves, by providing a valid email address. Upon registration, an email will be sent with a link. Candidates will be required to choose a password, so as to ensure that the data you provide is not accessible to any person other than yourself. Next step is the application form . Students need to fill in the necessary data in the online application form following instructions given there. Upload the required soft copies of photo and signature.
Application Fees:
Fees will be charged only from male applicants.which will be Non-refundable. Female applicants are not required to pay the application fees.
Fees Details:
For Male General/OBC-NC-Application fees-Rs.1200/- plus bank charges are applicable
as follows:
For online net banlking Rs. 10 extra=1210
For canara Bank Challan Rs. 20 extra=1220
For SBI Challan Rs. 25 extra=1225
For Male SC/ST/PD Application fees-Rs.600/- plus bank charges are applicable
For online net banking Rs. 10 extra=610
For canara Bank Challan Rs. 20 extra=620
For SBI Challan Rs. 25 extra=625
Procedure to apply:
The applicant need to take the printout of application form along with the documents. Then he has to mail it by speed post to the Zonal office, which is mentioned in the printed address slip that comes along with the PDF file of the application form.
The following procedures need to be completed before mailing,
For information on GATE and the examination dates, etc candidates can visit the site given below by clicking below-Click Here
One of the ultimate significant feature of the Graduate Aptitude Test in Engineering is the ‘how to apply GATE Exam 2013’. The date of the Graduate Aptitude Test in Engineering (GATE) for the year 2013 was announced in the second week of August 2012. The GATE is announced to be held in the month of January / February 2013.
Data which is needed to be filled:
A) Personal information
B) Communication Address (Important: PIN Code)
C) Eligibility Degree Details (College address, PIN Code of College)
D) GATE paper, Choice of GATE examination cities
E) High quality image of your photograph conforming to these requirements
F) Good quality image of your signature (in .jpeg format) conforming to requirements
G) Optional: PDF/JPEG files of supporting documents (Eligibility & Category Certificates) (max file size: per file 0.5 MB; see more details below in section ‘supporting documents’)
H) Optional: Your Netbanking login and password to make the application fee payment (only for Male applicants).
Supporting Documents Required before applying for GATE 2013:
Supporting documents like, photocopies are supposed to be attached. This year, 2013 applicants have an option to upload supporting documents online. However, please make sure that the max file size permitted per file is 0.5 MB.
Eligibility Documents -
a. SC/ST/PD Certificate, Only male applicants who claim to be in any of the category SC/ST/PD have to produce valid documentary evidence, to qualify for the reduced fee.
b. Male applicants who require a scribe to assist writing the exam, also need to provide a valid PD certificate.
c. Female applicants need not provide any SC/ST certificate, as the fee is exempted. However, if any female applicant requests a scribe to assist writing the exam, a PD certificate has to be provided.
It is imperative for students to know that all candidates need to apply on-line and the application fee is non-refundable. The student must first register themselves, by providing a valid email address. Upon registration, an email will be sent with a link. Candidates will be required to choose a password, so as to ensure that the data you provide is not accessible to any person other than yourself. Next step is the application form . Students need to fill in the necessary data in the online application form following instructions given there. Upload the required soft copies of photo and signature.
Application Fees:
Fees will be charged only from male applicants.which will be Non-refundable. Female applicants are not required to pay the application fees.
Fees Details:
For Male General/OBC-NC-Application fees-Rs.1200/- plus bank charges are applicable
as follows:
For online net banlking Rs. 10 extra=1210
For canara Bank Challan Rs. 20 extra=1220
For SBI Challan Rs. 25 extra=1225
For Male SC/ST/PD Application fees-Rs.600/- plus bank charges are applicable
For online net banking Rs. 10 extra=610
For canara Bank Challan Rs. 20 extra=620
For SBI Challan Rs. 25 extra=625
Procedure to apply:
The applicant need to take the printout of application form along with the documents. Then he has to mail it by speed post to the Zonal office, which is mentioned in the printed address slip that comes along with the PDF file of the application form.
The following procedures need to be completed before mailing,
For information on GATE and the examination dates, etc candidates can visit the site given below by clicking below-Click Here
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